Five questions with Raymond
Tell us about a moment from this week that you want to remember.
So many. But what stands out most is my son’s performance as Mr Smee in his school’s production of Peter Pan, ‘the boy who would not grow up’. Outstanding performances by the entire cast.
What did you do last weekend?
I mostly worked on the landscaping at our new home in Box Hill. The finishing is probably a bit dodgy, but boy am I still proud of it. The kids even mucked in with a shovel or two, which was great.
Can you share a favourite Bible verse with us?
John 3:8—‘The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.’’
Tell us about your favourite meal growing up.
I grew up eating a lot of veggies and stews, but oxtail always did the trick. An amazingly simple but tasty dish.
Who or what has encouraged you recently?
The steady trickle of new people coming each week to hear the word at Cornerstone Anglican Church Box Hill. I pray it continues.